Movement Exercises
Eyes – Trace the direction selected below on the diagram in front of you with either your thumb, finger, or laser pointer as a guide. Keep your head still and follow along the guide with your eyes only. Going from top corner, to bottom corner, back to top is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total.
Head – Keep your eyes straight ahead looking at the red dot on the diagram in front of you the entire time. With your eyes locked in position, use your nose to trace the direction selected below. Focus on rotating your head, rather than tilting it. Going from top corner, to bottom corner, back to top is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total.
Eyes & Head – Trace the direction selected below on the diagram in front of you with either your thumb, finger, or laser pointer as a guide. Keep your head still and follow along the guide with your eyes only. After a couple repetitions to get the initial motion, you will add in the head movement going the opposite way. As your eyes follow your guide up, your nose will go down. Then as your eyes follow your guide down, your nose will go up. Once you have the complete motion of both directions going, begin counting your repetitions. Going from top corner, to bottom corner, back to top is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total.