Teeth – Left: Inside – Place your tongue in the middle of your top row of teeth, against the backside of your front teeth. Slide the tip of your tongue along the back of each tooth going from the middle to your left molar. Repeat this on your bottom row of teeth. Pay attention to the sensation your tongue feels as it crosses the shape and grooves of each tooth. Going through the top and bottom is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total. 

Teeth – Left: Outside – Place your tongue in the middle of your top row of teeth, against the front-side of your front teeth. Slide the tip of your tongue along the front of each tooth going from the middle to your left molar. Repeat this on your bottom row of teeth. Pay attention to the sensation your tongue feels as it crosses the shape and grooves of each tooth. Going through the top and bottom is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total. 

Teeth – Right: Inside – Place your tongue in the middle of your top row of teeth, against the backside of your front teeth. Slide the tip of your tongue along the back of each tooth going from the middle to your right molar. Repeat this on your bottom row of teeth. Pay attention to the sensation your tongue feels as it crosses the shape and grooves of each tooth. Going through the top and bottom is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total. 

Teeth – Right: Outside – Place your tongue in the middle of your top row of teeth, against the front-side of your front teeth. Slide the tip of your tongue along the front of each tooth going from the middle to your right molar. Repeat this on your bottom row of teeth. Pay attention to the sensation your tongue feels as it crosses the shape and grooves of each tooth. Going through the top and bottom is 1 repetition. Complete 10 repetitions total. 

Alphabet – Left – Use your tongue to trace the entire alphabet A to Z, 1x total, along the inside of your left cheek. 

Alphabet – Right – Use your tongue to trace the entire alphabet A to Z, 1x total, along the inside of your right cheek. 

Word – Left – Use your tongue to trace out positive words that bring you joy along the inside of your left cheek. Trace 5 words. 

Word – Right – Use your tongue to trace out positive words that bring you joy along the inside of your right cheek. Trace 5 words. 

Phrase – Left – Use your tongue to trace out the first letter of each word in any phrase along the inside of your left cheek. 

Phrase – Right – Use your tongue to trace out the first letter of each word in any phrase along the inside of your right cheek.

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